How to write content that makes an impression?


You’ve created content. You’ve published it. Now it’s time to deliver on it.

 To make content truly memorable, you’ll want to write stories and provide valuable information with a story – not just a one-to-one response to a piece of content.

 This requires more than just writing an informational piece about X topic. Make it a story, complete with twists and turns, memorable characters and clever twists.

 The same story, told in the same way, would be useless. You wouldn’t know the characters or how the story would turn out.

 Why? It’s not just the story that makes an impression. it’s the emotion, too. Because emotion is why people will remember you and your content.

 If a blog post is written without emotion, the reader may not recognize that the blog post was written by someone who cares and loves their niche. This doesn’t mean that you should write in a superppy voice, or write incredibly sweet articles about flower gardening.

 But make sure that you understand what’s going on in your niche and how you can educate and help your readers. And then write with passion. That’s what makes an impression, after all.

 Here’s one example of an emotional article you could write.

 Create a mailing list or newsletter to distribute to your subscribers – even when you’re not working on a specific piece of content. You can also choose to create an autoresponder to send occasional updates.

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