Palestinian jobs upset over Corona virus outbreak.

Palestinian jobs upset over Corona virus outbreak

Washington -
Corona virus outbreaks have severely affected Palestinians around the world. Life has changed for them too, especially for those who work in Israel.

Jamal Salman worked in a construction company in Tel Aviv. Other Palestinians in his company were also wearing gloves and wearing masks. The company also gave them a house to stay overnight. But the growing number of Corona virus patients in Israel upset his wife and she was constantly asking them to come back. So last week, they returned to their homes on the West Bank.

Now they are in Quarantina, away from their children and wife, in the basement of their home and wondering how the living will be. In Tel Aviv, he used to earn fifteen hundred dollars a month, which was enough for his family, but he was no longer employed. They say the Corona virus is an open war and everyone is suffering.

The Corona virus outbreak has put thousands of Palestinians in labor in Israel, and their transportation is now banned. Now they can either stay in Israel where the wages are high but the magnitude of the Corona virus is even higher. Or come back to your home in the West Bank and face quarantine restrictions and unemployment.

Authorities on both sides are facing the same situation, because they do not know how to deal with the virus that does not care about the walls that have been built during the decades-long conflict.

Both Israeli and Palestinian authorities announced a severe lockdown in the month of March, but workers were allowed to stay in Israel but were not allowed to travel to the West Bank.

However, many Palestinians preferred to leave their homes, as the Easter festival made it difficult to get paid. And Palestinian Minister of Labor, Abu Jaish, has reported that only eight thousand workers have returned on Tuesday.

And their return poses a threat not only to the health of the general public but also to the Palestinian economy. And according to Palestinian officials, 83 percent of the Corona virus patients are sick because of workers returning from Israel.

Palestinian health officials say the borders are closed and travel is not allowed. Therefore, Israel is the only source of infection where the outbreak is most severe.

Gerald Rocken Schwab is a World Health Organization representative for the Palestinian Territories. He says Palestinian authorities have taken effective measures to prevent the outbreak, and it's good to keep workers coming from Israel in Quarantine, but it's easy and difficult to say, because not all workers are registered.

Mohammad Falah, 24, of the West Bank, works on a daily basis. They returned from Israel on Tuesday. They say they would never come back if they found work, because there they were earning seventy dollars a day, which is twice the wages of the West Bank. They say they intended to get married and build a house but now nothing seems possible.

While crossing the border, health workers there sprayed germs on them and told them to stay in Quarantina for fourteen days, despite no fever. They say they will comply, because they want to protect their parents and siblings.

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